Create Note

The create command creates (or update if one exists) a note in Obsidian. The <note-name> is the note name which will be created in top level of the vault, but you can instead pass a path instead to create a note in a subfolder of the vault.

To create a note in your default vault:

obsidian-cli create <note-name>

To create a note in a specific vault:

obsidian-cli create <note-name> --vault <vault-name>

To create a note a where <note-name> is the path from the top folder of the vault to the note. For example, if you want to create a note in vault-name/folder/another folder/cookies, you can create it with:

obsidian-cli create "folder/another folder/cookies"

To create a note with content:

obsidian-cli create <note-name> --content <content>

For example

obsidian-cli create cookies --content "I like cookies"

By default, if the note already exists, a new note will be created with a number appended to the end of the note name. For example, if you have a note called cookies and you try to create a note with the same name, the new note will be called cookies1.

You can overwrite the note content with the --overwrite flag which will replace the content of the note with the new content:

obsidian-cli create <note-name> --content <content> --overwrite

Or you can add more content to the end of the note with the --append flag:

obsidian-cli create <note-name> --content <content> --append

To open the created note, you can use the --open flag:

obsidian-cli create <note-name> --open