Set Default Vault

When using any commands, you will need to specify the vault. This can be done by using the --vault flag. However, if you are using the same vault frequently, you can set it as your default vault. This will mean that you do not need to specify the vault every time you use a command. You can set your default vault by running:

obsidian-cli set-default <vault-name>

Where <vault>-name is the name of your vault. This is not the path of the vault but the name of the folder. For example, if your vault is located at ~/Documents/example-vault, then the vault name is example-vault.

Note: You need to ensure you have already opened the vault in Obsidian before you can set it as your default vault.

If your folder has spaces in it, you will need to wrap the name in quotes. For example, if your vault is located at ~/Documents/My Vault, then you would run:

obsidian-cli set-default "My Vault"

If you have set your default vault successfully, you will see the following message:

Default vault set to: <vault-name>
Default vault path set to: <vault-path>

You can also print your default vault as shown in Print Default Vault. You can now start using commands without having to specify the vault.